

minds-cli supports user authentication and profile management:

  -u TEXT             username of minds channel
  -p TEXT             password of minds channel
  --proxy TEXT        proxy for minds requests
  -c, --profile TEXT  load local profile config

Profiles are saved by default in $XDG_CONFIG/minds directory when authentication is successful.

For example, your first post would be:

minds -u "username" -p "password" post newsfeed "hello world, posting from api!"

Afterwards you can load your config through -c command:

minds -c username post newsfeed “hello world, posting from api AGAIN!”


minds-cli post commands can take message from 3 sources:

  1. command line argument, e.g. minds post newsfeed "my message"
  2. through local editor (will use $EDITOR env variable). This is default if cli argument is not supplied
  3. stdin - allows multiline stdin input:
  4. file - reads contents from file


minds-cli supports basic formatted terminal output for reading posts, comments and notifications;


$ minds newsfeed channel tinarg
Working from Chiang Mai, Thailand this month!
Got a condo with this view, pool and a gym for 400€ per month.
Pretty lovely place so far!

#chiangmai #thailand #digitalnomad #workspaceview